Rapport Wolters Kluwer Avocats et Juristes face au futur 2023
Belgian Data Protection Authority publishes checklist on the correct use of cookies and similar technologies
Le «Livre 3: Les biens» du Code civil est déjà en vigueur depuis deux ans – quelques considérations pour le praticien du droit
European Data Protection Supervisor Releases New Opinion on the EU’s Proposed AI Act
Examples of When To Notify Data Breaches
Geschillenregeling in vennootschappen: de specifieke situatie van wederzijdse vorderingen tot uitsluiting
Secondary use of data for AI: which law applies?
Time for action – EBA Guidelines on Remote Customer Onboarding Solutions have been applicable since 2 October 2023
Implementation of IPA 2023−2024: reintroduction of relance hours and extension of the one-off innovation premium
Report - The Legisway Benchmark for Legal Departments
EU: State of the Union - New rules for the European Works Councils?
The Foreign Subsidies Regulation in public procurement – (not just) another tool in the toolbox - up-date
The restructuring expert: The new kid on the block
Reforming the union customs code: a proposal from the European Commission towards harmonizing European Union customs digitalization
La nouvelle loi relative au Registre central des interdictions de gérer
Les règlementations sur la non-concurrence en droit des sociétés