EU Member States fail to reach agreement on the VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) Proposal
New legislation on extra-contractual liability: how does it affect the liability of directors and employees ?
What does the AI Act mean for employers?
Les contrats de distribution dans un contexte international : aperçu de la législation impérative dans d'autres pays de l'UE
AIFMD II enters into force – the implementation period has started
Which companies have the obligation to introduce an internal reporting channel for whistleblowers?
A new European Commission proposal on foreign direct investment screening: towards greater harmonization?
Tirez parti de la technologie juridique pour définir la stratégie KPI de votre service juridique
Considerations when contracting about AI-sytems
Drowning in Data? Tactics for Legal Professionals to Conquer the Information Overload
EU enhances consumer rights by banning eco-generic claims and early obsolescence
Reform Social Penal Code takes shape
Tackling greenwashing: the new EU framework and its impact on Belgian legislation
What does Book 6 of the new Civil Code mean for the worker’s liability?
The Data Act and its impact on Cloud Service Providers
La réforme du droit de l’arbitrage au  Luxembourg : comparaison avec le droit belge.