
Transfer of Undertakings in Belgium: New Obligations Under CBA 32bis
Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) 32bis applies in Belgium in the event of a transfer of undertakings.

Une enquête (inattendue) des autorités
Les régulateurs jouent un rôle essentiel pour garantir le respect des lois et des règlements par les entreprises.

"Une nouvelle façon de faire faillite" : un an de faillite pre-pack, un bilan
La procédure de préparation privée d’une faillite, mieux connue sous le nom de "la faillite silencieuse" ou encore appelée "le pre-pack belge", existe maintenant depuis plus d'un an

Investment Deduction: new rules since 1 January 2025
The Federal legislator reformed the Belgian Investment Deduction (ID) regime through the Act of 12 May 2024 containing various fiscal provisions.

Simplified reimbursement of home-charging costs based on CREG tariffs confirmed for 2025
With the rise of hybrid and electric vehicles, reimbursing home charging electricity costs has introduced complex fiscal and organisational challenges for employers.

24 hours, 72 hours, 1 month: the reporting of cyber incidents under NIS2
This blog post discusses the updated cyber incident reporting obligations introduced by the NIS2 framework on network and information security.

The European Union tackles greenwashing and planned obsolescence
The European Union has reaffirmed its commitment to promoting more responsible and sustainable consumption with the adoption of Directive 2024/825.

La conformité est devenu encore plus importante depuis le 1er janvier 2025, afin de limiter les risques de responsabilité pour l'entreprise et ses dirigeants.
La conformité (aussi appelée « compliance ») signifie littéralement « respect » ou « accomplissement ».

The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation One Year On: An Effective Tool or Just More Red Tape?
Just over a year ago, the notification obligations under the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) became applicable.

Who’s (not) ready for DORA?
Over the last few years, the EU has been very active in updating its overall security framework.

Investments in crypto-assets: enhanced protection starting in 2025
Crypto-assets, such as Bitcoin, Ether, and other virtual currencies, are in high demand, as evidenced by the recent announcement from US President-elect Donald Trump regarding the launch of his own cryptocurrency platform.

Investments in crypto-assets: enhanced protection starting in 2025 (2)
Crypto-assets, such as Bitcoin, Ether, and other virtual currencies, are in high demand, as evidenced by the recent announcement from US President-elect Donald Trump regarding the launch of his own cryptocurrency platform.

New statute of limitations rules criminal law: what are the implications for employers?
The Criminal Procedure Act I, published in the Belgian State Journal on 18 April 2024 and entered into force on 28 April 2024, thoroughly reformed the existing system of statutes of limitations for crimes.

CJEU rejects gender discrimination claim regarding higher cost allowance for (male) pilots than for (female) cabin crew
CJEU rejects gender discrimination claim regarding higher cost allowance for (male) pilots than for (female) cabin crew

Vendor due diligence obligations under the GDPR
Lessons learned from new EDPB guidance