The restructuring expert: The new kid on the block
The Belgian Act of June 7, 2023, transposing the EU Restructuring Directive (2019/1023) into Belgian law, finally entered into force on September 1, 2023.
Reforming the union customs code: a proposal from the European Commission towards harmonizing European Union customs digitalization
On May 17, 2023, ten years after the EU adopted its Union Customs Code (UCC), the European Commission published a proposal intended to begin the complex journey of modernizing this crucial cog in the EUʼs customs union.
De nieuwe wet betreffende het Centraal Register van Bestuursverboden
Op 1 augustus 2023 trad de nieuwe wet betreffende het Centraal Register van Bestuursverboden in werking.
New formal obligations in case of incapacity during paid annual leave
Belgium is now in line with the European Working Time Directive when it concerns the non-loss of holidays when employees fall ill during their holidays.
DORA: what does it mean for IT contracts?
The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) has an important impact on financial entities but also on IT suppliers and cloud service providers. DORA’s main goal is to prevent and mitigate cyber threats.
Regelgeving over concurrentiebeding in het bedrijfsrecht
Als basisprincipe in België geldt dat iedereen vrij is om naar eigen goeddunken elke handel te drijven of elk beroep, bedrijf of ambacht, respectievelijk economische activiteit uit te oefenen.
The (Re-) Integration of 50-Plus Individuals in the Legal Job Market: Some Recommendations
As a dedicated Legal Recruitment Partner, we are prepared to assist individuals of diverse ages and from various sectors in finding their ideal jobs.
Belgium's first-ever hydrogen law: three key insights
On 25 July 2023, a new hydrogen law to regulate hydrogen transport through pipelines was published in the Belgian State Gazette.
Expansion of Belgium’s anti-discrimination legislation
Expansion of Belgium’s anti-discrimination. Legislation: Multiple discrimination and discrimination by association and assumption explicitly prohibited by law.
Contractuele clausules - Capita Selecta
De afgelopen jaren zijn tal van nieuwe wetten aangenomen die een impact hebben op het opstellen van commerciële contracten, zoals de inwerkingtreding van Boek 5 van het nieuwe Burgerlijk Wetboek (BW) op 1 januari 2023 maar ook de Arbeidsdeal en andere arbeidsrechtelijke wetgeving.
Additional voluntary overtime system possible until 2025
The social partners have agreed that from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2025, employers and employees in all sectors will again be able to make use of additional voluntary overtime, or "relance hours".
Dear online intermediaries: Forewarned is forearmed. New ex parte summary proceedings against large-scale online copyright infringement
Copyrights are very prone to large-scale infringements in the digital world. The European Commission addressed rightsholders’ concerns in this regard through Directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market (CDSM Directive), which was implemented in Belgium by the act of 19 June 2022 (the Act).
Dear online intermediaries: Forewarned is forearmed. New ex parte summary proceedings against large-scale online copyright infringement (2)
Copyrights are very prone to large-scale infringements in the digital world. The European Commission addressed rightsholders’ concerns in this regard through Directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market (CDSM Directive), which was implemented in Belgium by the act of 19 June 2022 (the Act).
De wettelijke garantie bij verkoop aan consumenten
Sinds juni 2022 is de nieuwe garantieregeling voor consumenten van kracht, wat betekent dat consumenten nu beter beschermd zijn tegen producten en diensten die in Europa niet conform zijn. De nieuwe regeling is het resultaat van een herziening van de Europese regelgeving.
Data subject’s access right: cjeu clarifies the concepts of “copy” and “information”
Article 15(3) GDPR provides that, at the request of the data subject, the controller must provide a “copy” of the personal data that have been processed and, if the request is made electronically, provide the “information” in a commonly used electronic form.