Overmacht en imprevisie
Op 1 juli 2022 werd Boek 5 “Verbintenissen” van het nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek gepubliceerd in het Belgisch Staatsblad.
The EDPB's Opinion on EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
On February 28, 2023, the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) adopted its Opinion 5/2023 (the “Opinion”) on the draft adequacy decision of the European Commission regarding the EU-U.S.
Future insolvency and business restructuring in Belgium: five things you need to know
The Belgian legislator is preparing a legal framework on insolvency law to expand the restructuring toolbox.
EU unveils Net Zero Industry Act to boost competitiveness in Europe
The European Commission has unveiled a new regulatory proposal which aims to boost Europe’s industrial policy amidst increasing global competition, energy supply concerns and the ongoing climate crisis.
Is AI a game changer for your corporate legal department?
Twenty years ago, Vialegis introduced the concept of Legal Interim Management to the Belgian market in response to the increasing demand for temporary legal profiles.
Getting the Most Out of a Collaboration with a Legal Interim Manager: Key Tips and Insights
Twenty years ago, Vialegis introduced the concept of Legal Interim Management to the Belgian market in response to the increasing demand for temporary legal profiles.
Upcoming EU Directive on equal pay and pay transparency to combat the gender pay gap
At the end of 2022 the European Parliament and Council reached a political agreement on the proposal for a directive to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and woman through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms.
Interview met Roel Verheyden
Afdwinging van aansprakelijkheid na het faillissement van een vennootschap: een pleidooi voor een aantal (wets)wijzigingen.
Maakt ChatGPT de bedrijfsjurist overbodig?
Sinds ChatGPT eind november 2022 de wereld stormenderhand veroverde, rijst bij vele beroepsgroepen dezelfde vraag: is mijn job bedreigd, ben ik binnenkort overbodig?
Bewijsnood bij inbreuken op bedrijfsgeheimen en oneerlijke concurrentie
Stel u voor, uw operationeel manager neemt ontslag om een ‘sabbatical’ te nemen. Een week later stelt u vast dat hij een concurrerende activiteit start in samenwerking met uw belangrijkste leverancier. Bovendien maken ook twee collega’s de overstap. Uw klanten worden systematisch benaderd en per toeval ontdekt u in de professionele mailbox van uw operationeel manager dat offerte aanvragen van klanten verborgen werden gehouden en werden doorgestuurd naar een ander e-mailadres van die manager.
Track en trace systems in employees vehicles recent developments in case law of protection rules
There is no specific law on track & trace in Belgium, but employee tracking does raise questions under both privacy and data protection law.
New changes to Discrimination law and bullying at work: extension of protection rules
Climate change poses significant challenges to policymakers, and addressing it requires a concerted effort from governments, businesses, and individuals. The European Union (EU) has taken a leading role in tackling climate change, and one of its key policy tools is the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS).
The new EU ETS
Climate change poses significant challenges to policymakers, and addressing it requires a concerted effort from governments, businesses, and individuals. The European Union (EU) has taken a leading role in tackling climate change, and one of its key policy tools is the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS).
European Commission seeks stakeholders’ views on draft foreign subsidies implementing regulation
European Commission seeks stakeholders’ views on draft foreign subsidies implementing regulation
De gelegenheid bij de haren grijpen ten koste van de vennootschap die men bestuurt – of toch best niet?
De ondernemingskansenleer onder de loep.
General obligation to compensate employees for home-work commute by bicylce
On January 24, 2023, the social partners of the National Labor Council signed CBA No. 164 regarding the employer's intervention in travel by bicycle between the home and the workplace.