New legislation on extra-contractual liability: how does it affect the liability of directors and employees ?
On 1 February 2024, the draft Act introducing Book 6 of the New Civil Code on extra-contractual liability (tort law) was approved in Parliament. It is expected that the new Book 6 will enter into effect on 1 January 2025.
What does the AI Act mean for employers?
The EU has recently adopted the AI Act, in full called the “Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence act) and amending certain union legislative acts”.
Distributieovereenkomsten in een internationale context: overzicht van dwingende wetgeving in andere EU-landen
Vaak worden internationale fabrikanten gewaarschuwd voor het opzetten van een distributienetwerk in België gelet op de verregaande bescherming van een Belgische distributeur bij beëindiging van de samenwerking. In het buitenland daarentegen zou een distributeur geen bijzondere bescherming genieten zodat men gemakkelijk afscheid zou kunnen nemen.
AIFMD II enters into force – the implementation period has started
On 15 April 2024, the directive amending the EU Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD II) entered into force.
Which companies have the obligation to introduce an internal reporting channel for whistleblowers?
The European Whistleblower Directive was transposed into Belgian legislation end of 2022 (Act of 28 November 2022 on the protection of reporters of breaches of Union or national law established within a legal entity in the private sector).
A new European Commission proposal on foreign direct investment screening: towards greater harmonization?
On June 20, 2023, the European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy published a Joint Communication on the European Economic Security Strategy.
Leverage Legal Tech to set your legal department’s KPIs strategy
Leverage technology in your legal department to elevate your team's efficiency and strategic impact.
Considerations when contracting about AI-sytems
With the recent approval of the AI Act by the European Parliament in mid-March, it is crucial to start thinking about the impact of AI systems (and the AI Act) on your organisation and to implement contractual safeguards when entering into agreements concerning AI systems.
Drowning in Data? Tactics for Legal Professionals to Conquer the Information Overload
Welcome to the exciting world of increasing laws and regulations, where each choice proves how important it is to have accurate and useful information. Legal experts are constantly dealing with a flood of information, but don't worry. In this vast digital landscape, bright ideas are emerging to guide the way forward.
EU enhances consumer rights by banning eco-generic claims and early obsolescence
The EU legislature recently adopted a new Directive aiming to empower consumers through better protection against unfair practices, and more transparent and clearer information on labels. N.B. This is not the Green Claims Directive, which is still being discussed by the EU institutions.
Reform Social Penal Code takes shape
The Social Penal Code of 2010 has been modified many times during the last decade, but after a major evaluation in 2017 by the Advisory Council of Social Penal Law and a first draft legislative project of the beginning of 2023, a legal proposal to reform the code has been introduced in Parliament and is set to be approved before the deadline of 8 May.
Tackling greenwashing: the new EU framework and its impact on Belgian legislation
The European Union has recently adopted the so-called Directive on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition (Directive (EU) 2024/825) (hereafter the “Directive”), which will, among other things, regulate the use of environmental claims to tackle greenwashing.
What does Book 6 of the new Civil Code mean for the worker’s liability?
On 1 February 2024, the Federal parliament approved a new act relating to Book 6 "Extra-contractual liability" of the Civil Code. This reform significantly altered the rules governing the liability of auxiliaries (incl. workers). It will enter into force on 1 January 2025.
The Data Act and its impact on Cloud Service Providers
As the Data Act came into force in January 2024, understanding its profound impact on Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) becomes paramount for ensuring compliance and optimizing data management strategies. From 12 September 2025 onwards, most of its rules will begin to apply. It aims to rebalance overall control over data.
New case law about wearing religious symbols in the Belgian public sector
On 28 November 2023, a crucial decision by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) shed light on the debates surrounding wearing religious symbols in the Belgian public sector.
Larcier-Intersentia lanceert GenIA-L, generatieve AI-oplossing op basis van betrouwbare juridische content
Larcier-Intersentia introduceert als eerste speler in België zijn GenIA-L technologie. Deze technologie zal Larcier-Intersentia de komende jaren in staat stellen om juridische professionals een ongekende AI-ondersteuning te bieden. Met GenIA-L zullen zij uitgebreide externe bronnen zoals wetgeving, rechtspraak en rechtsleer, efficiënt kunnen gebruiken.