Witwaspreventie: kent u de verplichtingen voor uw kantoor?
Client alert – Bancassurance – New restrictions on bundled sales of mortgage loans and insurance products
What will the Data Act mean for you?  Impact on Data Sharing, Data Sharing Agreements and Cloud Services
New Federal Learning Account: obligation to register professional training in 2024
Time to get ready for the EU Pay Transparency Directive!
The EU CBAM Transitional Period Begins: A Practical Guide for EU Importers
Risk Based Approach in New European AI Act
Belgium: Changes to reductions in social security contributions for first hires as of 2024 )
Het Wolters Kluwer Future Ready Lawyer Rapport 2023
Belgian Data Protection Authority publishes checklist on the correct use of cookies and similar technologies
Twee jaar Boek 3 “Goederen” Burgerlijk Wetboek voor de praktijkjurist
European Data Protection Supervisor Releases New Opinion on the EU’s Proposed AI Act
Examples of When To Notify Data Breaches
Geschillenregeling in vennootschappen: de specifieke situatie van wederzijdse vorderingen tot uitsluiting
Secondary use of data for AI: which law applies?
Time for action – EBA Guidelines on Remote Customer Onboarding Solutions have been applicable since 2 October 2023