Additional voluntary overtime system possible until 2025
Dear online intermediaries: Forewarned is forearmed. New ex parte summary proceedings against large-scale online copyright infringement
Dear online intermediaries: Forewarned is forearmed. New ex parte summary proceedings against large-scale online copyright infringement (2)
De wettelijke garantie bij verkoop aan consumenten
Data subject’s access right: cjeu clarifies the concepts of “copy” and “information”
Vijf tips om beter te onderhandelen voor bedrijfsjuristen
The rise of Legal Operations Managers
The Green Claims Directive proposal in a nutshell
One-off purchasing power premium for employees of companies with high profits
Hoe als bedrijfsjurist overleven en excelleren in moeilijke tijden?
The changing balance of power between legal departments and law firms
Hoogste GDPR boete ooit
EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation - Additional obligations for companies in mergers, acquisitions and public tenders
AI-powered chatbots:  Mythical super creature or legal Trojan Horse
The Foreign Subsidies Regulation in public procurement – (not just) another tool in the toolbox
Nieuw regelgevend kader voor de minnelijke invordering van onbetaalde consumentenschulden met de invoeging van boek XIX “schulden van de consument”