Important change in dismissal law as from 2023: Saturday no longer considered a working day
The European Commission updates rules for cooperation between competitors
The new impact of the Brussels I regulation on arbitrators: analysis of the latest ruling of the European Court of Justice
De wettelijke garantie bij consumentenkoop
The competent jurisdiction for international workers: how to find the place where the employee habitually works.
Recht op een andere functie voor personen met een handicap?
Whistleblower protection: ready for action?
The EU data strategy: a complex attempt to unlock data
Actualia: prijsstijgingen- en herzieningen in commerciële en publieke contracten
Updates regarding the telework cost compensation
The new restructuring directive and its implementation in belgian law
Overview of upcoming social legislation in Belgium
Contracts for the sale of goods and for the supply of digital content and services: new rules to enter into force in Belgium on 1 June 2022
Arbitrage en consumentenbescherming
Making sustainable products the norm in the EU
Een lagere drempel voor proactieve detectie van discriminatie op de arbeidsmarkt via mysterycalls: what’s new?