
New changes to Discrimination law and bullying at work: extension of protection rules
Climate change poses significant challenges to policymakers, and addressing it requires a concerted effort from governments, businesses, and individuals. The European Union (EU) has taken a leading role in tackling climate change, and one of its key policy tools is the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS).

The new EU ETS
Climate change poses significant challenges to policymakers, and addressing it requires a concerted effort from governments, businesses, and individuals. The European Union (EU) has taken a leading role in tackling climate change, and one of its key policy tools is the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS).

European Commission seeks stakeholders’ views on draft foreign subsidies implementing regulation
European Commission seeks stakeholders’ views on draft foreign subsidies implementing regulation

De gelegenheid bij de haren grijpen ten koste van de vennootschap die men bestuurt – of toch best niet?
De ondernemingskansenleer onder de loep.

General obligation to compensate employees for home-work commute by bicylce
On January 24, 2023, the social partners of the National Labor Council signed CBA No. 164 regarding the employer's intervention in travel by bicycle between the home and the workplace.

Is your business considering digitalization for legal? Here are 5 of the most important to know.
The trend in digitalization in legal departments is one of rapid growth. Companies are increasingly adopting legal technology solutions to automate management of their legal matters and streamline processes.

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD): large companies and listed companies will soon be subject to new requirements in terms of publication and audit of sustainability information.

Nieuwigheden bij het beëindigen van contracten in het nieuw verbintenissenrecht
Op 1 januari 2023 trad het nieuwe verbintenissenrecht in werking (Boek 5 Verbintenissen nieuw burgerlijk wetboek). Thijs Tanghe gaat in zijn bijdrage dieper in op de impact die dit heeft op de gronden van beëindiging van een contract.

Trends in M&A
After an absolute record year in 2021, the international M&A market had a varied 2022 with a strong first half of the year but significantly lower deal volumes in the second half of the year, especially in the higher end of the market.

Hervorming van het fiscaal regime voor auteursrechten: baart het gewijzigd toepassingsgebied zorgen?
Ondanks hevig verzet vanuit de betrokken sectoren - in het bijzonder de IT-sector - en het politiek gepingpong in de media, werd de Programmawet (waarin o.m. de hervorming van het fiscaal regime voor auteursrechten beschreven staat) op 30 december 2022 gepubliceerd in het Belgisch Staatsblad.

Antitrust in 2023: 10 key themes - growing unpredictability and brand new enforcement tools
In 2023 antitrust enforcement globally will continue to respond to calls for it to do more to address a range of crises and social concerns. Authorities are being given enhanced powers and new tools, and are tackling cases that they might not have pursued a few years ago.

The importance of company culture in the attraction and retention of legal talent
It is difficult to attract talent. Candidates are not inclined to change jobs easily. A competitive salary is not the sole driver anymore.

Client alert – EU Adopts Deforestation-free Products Regulation
Days before the recent UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15), the European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement on the terms of a new Regulation on deforestation-free products.

5 tips voor betere samenwerking tussen juridische en andere afdelingen
De harde realiteit is dat kleinere organisaties de juridische afdeling vaak zien als 'kostenplaats' en een obstakel dat 'deals alleen maar in de weg zit'.

A look at Small Modular Reactors, the nuclear industry's coveted new gem
Small Modular Reactors (hereinafter “SMRs”) are a promising new technology in the field of nuclear energy, offering a number of potential benefits over traditional large nuclear reactors. They are smaller in size and can be mass-produced, making them more affordable and easier to deploy. In addition, their modular design allows for a greater degree of flexibility in terms of deployment and operation. However, as no technology is flawless, there are also disadvantages to SMRs that are worth addressing.

Internationale contracten, toepasselijk recht en bevoegdheid. Welke keuze maak je?
In de praktijk is het niet altijd gemakkelijk om een keuze te maken voor het toepasselijk recht en de rechtsmacht. De onderhandelingspositie, de commerciële verhoudingen, de plaats van vestiging van de partijen, de plaats van levering, regels van openbare edm. hebben allen een invloed.