EU: New EU agreement on the impact of cross-border telework on the applicable social security legislation
Impact of book 5 of the civil code on m&a – Capita Selecta
Interview met Alexander Snyers Feitelijk bestuur: een grondige analyse leidt tot een pleidooi voor wetgevend ingrijpen
Constitutional Court annuls Flemish duty to remain alert and relativity requirement in administrative procedural law
Overmacht en imprevisie
The EDPB's Opinion on EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
Future insolvency and business restructuring in Belgium: five things you need to know
EU unveils Net Zero Industry Act to boost competitiveness in Europe
Is AI a game changer for your corporate legal department?
Getting the Most Out of a Collaboration with a Legal Interim Manager: Key Tips and Insights
Upcoming EU Directive on equal pay and pay transparency to combat the gender pay gap
Interview met Roel Verheyden
Maakt ChatGPT de bedrijfsjurist overbodig?
Bewijsnood bij inbreuken op bedrijfsgeheimen en oneerlijke concurrentie
Track en trace systems in employees vehicles recent developments in case law of protection rules
New changes to Discrimination law and bullying at work: extension of protection rules